Waitlist Statement: Our consulting services are highly selective and competitive. We only work with clients who share our vision, values, and goals. We look for clients who have a clear problem statement and a willingness to collaborate and learn from us.
We have a long waitlist of potential clients who want to work with us. We review each application carefully and select the ones that match our criteria and availability. We do not accept applications on a first-come, first-served basis, but rather on a merit-based and fit-based approach. We also prioritize clients who have been referred by our existing or past clients, or who have a strong network affiliation with them.
We understand that this might be frustrating for some of you who are eager to work with us. However, we believe that this is the best way to maintain our quality and integrity as a consulting firm. We appreciate your patience and interest in our services, and we hope that you will respect our decision and process.
If you want to join our waitlist, please fill out the contact form and we will get back to you if we are interested in your proposal. If you have received a guest pass, contact your personal advisor to find out how we can work together to create solutions that are creative, effective, and sustainable.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Gyconphy, Amstel Business Park, Amsterdam, Netherlands.